Non Timetus Messor

Moving to Linux

This is an introductory guide written for my friends moving away from Windows to Linux. My goal is to keep this as nontechnical as I can, but unfortunately there is a learning curve. Just know that I believe in your gumption, and I am here to help in case you run into problems.

A word of solace

By moving away from a proprietary OS, you are entering into a world of possibilities. Most of these possibilities will present themselves as arcane errors where something you expected to work will not, and if you’re lucky you’ll get a short message explaining why. Your north star in these trying times should be: “well, we can always wipe everything and start from scratch.”. This sounds extreme, and it is the most extreme option: usually, there’s a better solution if you have the patience to research the problem and painstakingly try every solution. It is incredibly frustrating to dig through five pages of forum posts from eight years ago, only to discover (yet again) that you haven’t solved the mystery of why Discord suddenly sounds like a telephone from the 19th century (but only after 20 minutes).

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~Piscine~: My Time Under the Sea

Piscine game logo

The Premiere Fish Dating Simulator


Game jams are known for having themes that participants must follow in order to qualify for judging. The theme is typically revealed at the beginning of the jam: with no participant having insight into the theme, ideation and scoping can be included in the jam timeline for an additional challenge. Not so with FishFest.

FishFest, hosted by Possibly Axolotl, wears its theme on its sleeve. There are no prizes, there is no clout, there is just one requirement: fish must be front and center in whatever you upload. For my part, I was browsing through a list of upcoming jams and this was by far the most intriguing – how would I make a game about fish?

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